Thursday, September 23, 2010


Well I guess I should start out with a brief introduction and purpose so any you who stumbled upon me may have some reason to stick around. 

I am a divorced 30 year old mother of one.  My daughter is 5 and we are "priviledged" to be the only daughter and only grand child of some well intended parents/grandparents.  (I'm sure you can see the impeding catastrophes headed this way, can't you??)

What I hope you find here?  Well I like to make pretty things with my hands AND I'm cheap, cheap, CHEAP!!!  So don't bee surprised to see a project or 100 to pop up here (I don't do videos, sorry).  I also LOVE, LOVE, LOOOVVVVEEEEEEE bargains.  So there will be a little of that.  You still still have pretty things and be cheap about it!!!

What do I do to have fun:  Well, I scrapbook, I cross-stitch, and I love read.  With a 5 year old around, I say that's a lot of fun!!!

What to expect:  Well, we are having my daughter's 5th birthday party at our home this weekend and in all my crafty frugalness (is that a word?!?)  I have decided to make all the decoarations, games, and food.  I will bring all of that wonderful goodness to you all next week.

Well I'm going to close this with one of my favorite quotes:  "But by the grace of God, I am what I am, and His grace to me was not without effect."  1 Cor.  15:10a.

Until then remember:  God and I both love you and God didn't make know junk.  Everything and everyone is pretty, pretty, Pretty!!!